Nicolas married �lsabeth Chauvin in Laleu la Rochelle St Pierre Laleu, Charente, France.
Children from this marriage were:
2050 i. Jean Plante (born in 1621 France - died on 28 Mar 1706 in Chateau Richer Montmorency Qu�bec Canada)
ii. Jacques Plante (died in Sep 1650 in Laleu la Rochelle St Pierre Laleu, Charente, France)
�lsabeth married Nicolas Plante in Laleu la Rochelle St Pierre Laleu, Charente, France.
Marin married Julienne Baril , daughter of Jean Baril and Raoulline Cr�te , on 7 Feb 1611 in St Jean de Mortagne, Perche, Orne, France. Julienne was born in Mortagne Chartres Perche Orne France and died on 15 Dec 1627 in St Langis les Mortagne Perche.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Nicole Boucher (born on 8 Nov 1611 St Langis les Mortagne Perche - , died in France)
ii. Jean Boucher (chr. on 5 Jan 1613 in St Langis les Mortagne Perche - died on 21 Sep 1617 in St Jean de Mortagne, Perche, Orne, France)
iii. Fran�ois Boucher (chr. on 22 Nov 1617 in St Langis les Mortagne Perche - died before 1681)
iv. Etiennette Boucher (chr. on 11 May 1620 in St Langis les Mortagne Perche - , died in France)
v. Marie Boucher (chr. on 8 Jun 1625 in St Langis les Mortagne Perche - , died in France)
vi. Louise Boucher (chr. on 13 Aug 1615 in St Jean de Mortagne, Perche, Orne, France - , died in France)
vii. Charlotte Boucher (chr. on 15 Jan 1622 in St Langis les Mortagne Perche)
Marin married P�rinne Mallet circa 1628 in St Langis les Mortagne Perche.
Children from this marriage were:
2051 i. Marie-Francoise Boucher (born in Mar 1636 Qu�bec City Qu�bec Canada - died on 18 Apr 1711 in Chateau Richer Qu�bec Canada)
ii. Louis-Marin Boucher dit Beauduisson (born in Aug 1630 St Langis les Mortagne Perche - died on 18 Dec 1700 in Qu�bec City Qu�bec Canada)
iii. Jean-Galleran Boucher (chr. on 16 Feb 1633 in St Langis les Mortagne Perche)
iv. Pierre Boucher dit Pitoche (born in Feb 1639 Qu�bec City Qu�bec Canada - died in May 1707 in Rivere Ouelle Quebec CA)
v. Madeleine Boucher ()
vi. Marie Boucher ()
vii. Guillaume Boucher ()
P�rinne married Marin Boucher circa 1628 in St Langis les Mortagne Perche.
Pierre married Francoise Prieur-Prieux about 1600 in St Laurent de la Barriere St Onge France.
Children from this marriage were:
Francoise married Pierre Lafond about 1600 in St Laurent de la Barriere St Onge France.
Gaspard married Marie Nicole Lamaier on 12 Dec 1619 in Notre Dame Mortagne Chartes Perche France.
Children from this marriage were:
Marie married Gaspard Boucher on 12 Dec 1619 in Notre Dame Mortagne Chartes Perche France.
Thomas married Jeanne Chasteau about 1590 in Tourouvre France.
Children from this marriage were:
2060 i. Pierre Nicolas Rivard (born on 7 Jan 1591.1592 St. Aubin, Montagne, Orne, Perche Region, France - died on 16 Mar 1651.1652 in Tourouvre France)
ii. Michel Rivard ()
iii. Nicholas Rivard ()
iv. Marin Rivard ()
v. Marie Rivard ()
vi. Sebastien Rivard ()
Jeanne married Thomas Rivard about 1590 in Tourouvre France.
Robert married Francoise Lousche .
Children from this marriage were:
Francoise married Robert Mullard .
Jean married Jeanne Lucia .
Children from this marriage were:
2070 i. Florent Leclerc ()
Jeanne married Jean Leclerc .
Moise married Jeanne Grosse .
Children from this marriage were:
2071 i. Marie Gendre ()
Jeanne married Moise Gendre .
Nicolas married Isabelle Chauvin .
Children from this marriage were:
2072 i. Jean Plante ()
Isabelle married Nicolas Plante .
Marin married Perrine Mallet .
Children from this marriage were:
2073 i. Francoise Boucher ()
Perrine married Marin Boucher .
Jean married (name unknown).
Children from this marriage were:
2096 i. Adrien Nepveu ()
Pierre married (name unknown).
Children from this marriage were:
2097 i. Ren�e Dandonneau ()
Jean married Colette Pagnot .
Children from this marriage were:
2108 i. Gabriel Lambert ()
Colette married Jean Lambert dit Celles-Duclos .
Jean married Barbe Broust .
Children from this marriage were:
2109 i. Barbe Poisson ()
Barbe married Jean Poisson .
�tienne married Judith Fonton .
Children from this marriage were:
2118 i. �tienne Fortier (born in Montr�al Qu�bec Canada - , died in Montr�al Qu�bec Canada)
Judith married �tienne Fortier .
Gilles married Marie Archambault on 27 Nov 1656 in Montr�al Qu�bec Canada.
Children from this marriage were:
2119 i. Marguerite Lauzon (born in Montr�al Qu�bec Canada - , died in Montr�al Qu�bec Canada)
Marie married Gilles Lauzon on 27 Nov 1656 in Montr�al Qu�bec Canada.
Jean married Marie Pibelin .
Children from this marriage were:
2140 i. Aufroy Coulon-Mabriant (born in La Chapelle-Baton, dioc�se de Saintes Saintonge, France)
Marie married Jean Coulon .
Guillaume married Catherine Tou� .
Children from this marriage were:
2141 i. Fran�oise Tierce ()
Catherine married Guillaume Tierce .
Robert married Jaqueline Pappin .
Children from this marriage were:
Jaqueline married Robert Vaillancourt .
Jean married Jeanne Guiet .
Children from this marriage were:
2145 i. Marie-Fran�coise Gobeil (born in 1655 - died after 17 Apr 1714)
Jeanne married Jean Gobeil .
Adam married Antoinette Leroux .
Children from this marriage were:
2146 i. Philippe Destroismaisons ()
Antoinette married Adam Destroismaisons .
Pierre married Jeanne Nodreau on 18 Nov 1669 in Chateau Richer Qu�bec Canada.
Children from this marriage were:
2147 i. Martine Grosnier ()
Jeanne married Pierre Grosnier on 18 Nov 1669 in Chateau Richer Qu�bec Canada.
Fran�ois married Marie Guyon on 12 Jul 1637 in Qu�bec City Qu�bec Canada.
Children from this marriage were:
2152 i. Louis B�langer ()
Marie married Fran�ois B�langer on 12 Jul 1637 in Qu�bec City Qu�bec Canada.
Charles married Marie-Madeleine Troit .
Children from this marriage were:
2153 i. Marguerite Le Fran�ois ()
Marie-Madeleine married Charles Le Fran�ois .
Zacharie married Madelaine-Barbe Aymard on 29 Mar 1648 in Larochelle, Aunis, France.
Children from this marriage were:
2154 i. Ren� Cloutier ()
Madelaine-Barbe married Zacharie Cloutier on 29 Mar 1648 in Larochelle, Aunis, France.
L�onard married Marie Riton on 23 Aug 1650 in Qu�bec City Qu�bec Canada.
Children from this marriage were:
2155 i. Marie-�lisabeth Le Blanc ()
Marie married L�onard Le Blanc on 23 Aug 1650 in Qu�bec City Qu�bec Canada.
Robert married Marie Crenel on 25 Oct 1637 in Qu�bec City Qu�bec Canada.
Children from this marriage were:
2156 i. Pierre Caron ()
Marie married Robert Caron on 25 Oct 1637 in Qu�bec City Qu�bec Canada.
�tienne married Catherine Madame De Bayonne .
Children from this marriage were:
2158 i. �tienne Domingo ()
Catherine married �tienne Domingo .
Bonaventure married Isabelle De Sens .
Children from this marriage were:
2159 i. Marie-Reine Charpentier (born in St-Sulpice de Paris, Ile de France, France)
Isabelle married Bonaventure Charpentier .
Jean married Jaqueline Pellereau .
Children from this marriage were:
2168 i. Pierre Rondeau (born in Marcilly, Dioc�se deLa Rochelle, Aunis, France)
Jaqueline married Jean Rondeau .
Ren� married Marie Juin .
Children from this marriage were:
2169 i. Marie Ancelin (born in Marcilly, Dioc�se deLa Rochelle, Aunis, France)
Marie married Ren� Ancelin .
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